ROIG Lawyers Attorneys to Speak at 24th Annual Florida Insurance Fraud Education Committee Conference
ROIG Lawyers is a proud sponsor of the 24th Annual Florida Insurance Fraud Education Committee (FIFEC) Conference on June 8-10,2016 at the Caribe Royal Convention Center in Orlando, FL. Some of our distinguished attorneys are scheduled to present on various topics including:
John S. Leinicke & Scharome R. Wolfe- “How High? Insurance and Medical Marijuana in 2016.”
• The presentation will cover Florida’s definition of marijuana, a history of criminal laws on controlled substances, past legislation concerning decriminalization and medical marijuana, expectations regarding 2016 and beyond. The course will also discuss the expected impact of legalized marijuana on various lines of insurance coverage. It will conclude with a discussion of an attorney’s ethical obligations concerning advising the clients, including a survey of how various state bars have handled this issue.
Miguel R. Roura & Peter S. Nayrouz– “Introduction to Windshield Litigation.”
• This course will provide detailed information, tools, and techniques available for investigating windshield claims. It will also review recent rulings and litigation strategies.
Raquel D. Campos, Christine Louissaint & Jennie Torres- “The ABC’s of Unlicensed Clinics.”
• This presentation is an introductory course on the latest update in the statutory and administrative changes surrounding clinic ownership and practical skills and strategies for use in the adjusting processes and building of the PIP, civil or criminal case.
FIFEC is a non-profit corporation comprised of special investigative unit investigators, law enforcement personnel and dedicated individuals whose purpose is to organize and present an annual statewide educational seminar related to deterring, detecting, investigating, and prosecuting insurance fraud. FIFEC is proud of its mission to provide insurance fraud education and training by giving grants to the law enforcement and criminal justice community that attend what is now known as the annual FIFEC Conference.