Roig Lawyers Obtains Victory
Roig Lawyers partners Drew Stoller and Jenna Hackman secured a defense victory on behalf of the firm’s clients in a bodily injury case in the Palm Beach County 15th Judicial Circuit Court.
The Plaintiff sought medical treatment for injuries as a result of being involved in a motor vehicle accident, despite injuries in two subsequent accidents within the following eight month period.
According to the court, Roig Lawyers’ defense team provided clear and convincing evidence that the Plaintiff intentionally misled medical providers by claiming that the plaintiff’s injuries were caused solely by the specific accident before the court, and failing to disclose two subsequent accidents, close in time, with the same or similar injuries. The court also found that Plaintiff’s counsel also intentionally misled the Court in attempting to exclude medical records and doctors’ testimony from two subsequent accidents by claiming that the Plaintiff had different injuries for those accidents and was not treated for the same injuries as the one before the court, in clear contravention to the evidence. The Court ruled that withholding relevant information from treating physicians regarding subsequent accidents and similar injuries, and prior accidents and similar injuries, for the purpose of preserving separate claims for each accident and Plaintiff’s counsel misrepresenting to the Court the true nature of the subsequent accidents and injuries is equivalent to a fraud upon the Court.