Out of State Policy Handling CE Course | Tampa
Course Overview
This course seeks to provide attendees with an overview of the No-Fault statutes in other jurisdictions besides Florida, and how these laws along with applicable Florida laws are interpreted in order to determine the appropriate No-Fault coverage for a claimant bringing a No-Fault claim in Florida. The attendees will also learn the different investigative claims handling skills that are required to properly determine whether additional Florida No-Fault coverage can be extended to the claimant above what the subject policy of insurance allows and/or what the foreign jurisdictions applicable No-Fault statutes would allow. Finally, the course will review the different nuisances found in the No-Fault statutes in other jurisdictions and how they are similar or different to the Florida No-Fault.
For more information about the continuing education courses we offer, please visit our Continuing Education page or contact the marketing department at marketing@roiglawyers.com.
Event Location:
Tampa, FL