Upcoming Webinars


Wednesday, March 12th from 12:00pm – 1:00pm EST

Luck of the Insured: Investigating the Best Interest of the Insured with Homeowner Claims

This course will inform and update insurance adjusters on the role of a public adjuster when investigating a homeowner’s claim. The course will educate adjusters on the statutory authority for public adjusters as well as ethical requirements. Adjusters will be educated on common tactics and provided with examples of ways adjusters can assist with a fraudulent claim. Finally, adjusters will be educated on the potential pitfalls associated with alleging insurance fraud.

Click Here to Register

This course is approved for Florida Adjusters – 1 Hour CE


Wednesday, June 11th from 12:00pm – 1:00pm EST

Navigating the Storm: Deep dive into Hurricane Claims, Essential Stakeholders & Understand Statutory Requirements

The purpose of this course is to explore the ecosystem in regards to roofers, public adjusters, law firms and mitigation companies in regards to hurricane damage and interior damage. Attendees will get an understanding of the role of each party and potential conflicts.

Click Here to Register

This course is PENDING approval for Florida Adjusters – 1 Hour CE


Wednesday, July 16th from 12:00pm – 1:00pm EST

Lighting Up the Legal Sky: Navigating Windshield Litigation Without Cracks or Roadblocks

Windshield/Glass litigation is a rapidly growing area of law. The repeal of the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law has further opened the door for the Plaintiff’s bar to explore a new form of litigation that provides direct access to the deep pockets of the insurance industry while also providing a guarantee of fees if they are the prevailing party. The purpose of this course is to explore this developing area of insurance litigation, discuss mechanisms for defending these claims and provide an update of the status of litigation currently pending in the County Courts and District Court of Appeals.

Click Here to Register

This course is approved for Florida Adjusters – 1 Hour CE