Firm News

Contested Win for Crystal Valencia

November 30, 2023
How did Crystal Valencia obtain a big CONTESTED WIN for our client?! The judge ruled favorably for our client finding no basis for direct or vicarious liability for the actions of independent contractors and granted final...

Three Wins in One Week for Joseph Paxton

November 17, 2023
Joseph Paxton obtained three wins in one week! It was a good week for our client being awarded costs spent defending their cases. Joe Paxton obtained three orders awarding our client its costs spent in three separate first...

Roig Win for Kathryn A. Desire

November 8, 2023
How did attorney Kathryn A. Desire and Roig Lawyers help a client win a Summary Judgment in another hurricane claim? The homeowner was aware of the damage to their property but did not report the claim until nearly 3 years...

Roig Win for Nathalie Acosta

November 2, 2023
Nathalie Acosta received a GREAT WIN! This is an interesting case in which Plaintiff had previously filed this lawsuit back in 2015 and it was resolved, including attorney’s fees, and Plaintiff voluntarily dismissed the...

Roig Win for the Appellate Team

October 6, 2023
Jeffrey Geldens and the Roig Appeals team, Abbi Freifeld Carr and Veresa Jones Adams, conquered an appellate win! On October 5, 2023, the Fourth District Court of Appeal agreed with Roig’s appellate lawyers’ arguments and...